

《異塵餘生》(Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game)是款由 Interplay 製作公司開發,並於 1997 年發行的角色扮演遊戲。 遊戲背景設定於 22 世紀中期的後末日和復古未來世界,席捲全球的核戰爭摧毀了現代文明,戰後不少人在地表掙扎求存, 也有部分幸運兒在戰時躲進了地下放射性落塵避難所。選擇或自行創建角色後(玩家可以從三個既有角色中選擇一個開局, 或者按照自己的喜好來建立角色和分配屬性),玩家操縱通稱「避難所居民」的主角離開生活已久的避難所,踏入廢土, 與其他倖存者互動,以完成數項重要任務。遊戲採用回合制戰鬥,使用行動點數系統,每個回合玩家可以執行多項動作,直至花光行動點數。

如果是 DOS 版,在完全安裝以後,修改 FALLOUT.CFG 的路徑,將使用光碟的目錄指向安裝的目錄,就可以免光碟。 如果需要自行安裝 patch,DOS 版最後一版 patch 為 v1.1。


下面是來自 SAVE.DAT File Format Player and inventory的資料:

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 0x0,0x0,'FP' [0x00004650] - these characters are always here. Also, they appear only once in the file. They're followed by a list of the player's characteristics.
0x04 0x04 Player's coordinates on the map.
0x08 0x04 Unknown
0x0C 0x04 Unknown
0x10 0x04 Unknown
0x14 0x04 Unknown
0x18 0x04 Unknown
0x1C 0x04 Player's facing: 0 - northeast 1 - east 2 - southeast 3 - southwest 4 - west 5 - northwest
0x20 0x04 Player FID number (appearance). Changes depending on what armor is worn. [0100000B] is the jumpsuit. Note that the engine will always change this value back to what you are wearing, so it's pointless to edit it here.
0x24 0x04 Unknown, usually 0x60002420. The last byte has some interesting properties. Setting the 0x10 bit puts the player in a permanent, always-successful sneak mode. Setting the 0x08 bit will draw the player under other critters and scenery. Setting the last byte to 00 will turn off the player light source.
0x28 0x04 Which level of the map the player is on.
0x2C 0x04 Unknown
0x30 0x18 Unknown - Light distance and intensity? Some of it have to to with lighting up the player.
0x48 0x04 Number of items in inventory.
0x4C 0x18 Unknown.
0x64 0x04 Bit field. Each bit indicates a crippled body part: 0x0001 - eyes 0x0002 - right arm 0x0004 - left arm 0x0008 - right leg 0x0010 - left leg 0x0080 - dead
0x68 0xC Unknown
0x74 0x04 Current hitpoints.
0x78 0x04 Radiation level.
0x7C 0x04 Poison level.
0x80 variable A list of items in inventory.


